Trueblood Season 2 Episode 12 Finale Preview

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Episode 23 Update

In this past episode, everything seems to be tying together. Although, not much was clarified, the whole purpose is for you to speculate about what will happen. We did learn a few things though, like how to kill MaryAnn, what the purpose of her ritual is, and what kinds of things she plans on sacrificing. We know she was after Sam, but now that she has learned that Sookie is a rare supernatural being, will she sacrifice her instead? And what will the others do to defeat MaryAnn? The Queen of Louisiana gave Bill some valuable information on the meanad, but is it truly enough to defeat her? After all, no one expected to see a gaint egg at the end of the episode. I don't recall the Queen mentioning that to Bill. What will come out of that egg? And did Eggs and Tara lay it??? I hope they explain it all in the next episode, but I have the feeling that it may end with a cliff-hanger again.