Trueblood Season 2 Episode 12 Finale Preview

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Trueblood Season Finale

We waited patiently for two whole weeks and it was worth it! Our jaws were open and eyes wide during Maryann's final moments. Bill's trusty plan worked out in the end and Sam was revived, just in time to kill Maryann. His shape-shifting qualities were more useful then he expected. The real question is what will happen when Sam meets his long-lost parents? They are no doubt shape-shifters as well. So much happened in the finale that it's hard to know who exactly has the worst luck. Tara has quite a bit of sympathy coming from me. Her lover, Eggs, is now dead. Shot in the head by Jason, who only did it to protect Detective Bellefluer. Tara is completely devastated from this incident, but I am very happy they got rid of Eggs. I didn't like him very much. The incident with Maryann had caused Eggs to flip out. Nobody that was possessed by Maryann knew exactly what they did, but that it was something bad. The trauma caused Eggs to go a little insane and paranoid. Thankfully, no one else reacted the same way. I especially feel sorry for Sookie and Bill. With all of Maryann's craziness comes a price. First of all, Sookie's house is oficially trashed. The fact that she slept in it that night actually disgusts me. Moldy walls, dirt galore, broken things, and rotting meat make up Sookie's living room and front yard. Bill ,on the other hand, has a completely different problem that could turn fatal. The Queen is ordering Eric to sell vampire blood and provides him with the blood too. Little does Bill know, the Queen and Eric both realize that Bill knows their dirty little secret and it's Eric's responsibility to dispose of Bill. Even worse, at the end of the finale, Poor Bill gets kidnapped! By who? And why? What will they do to him? Now that's the real mystery.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Eric Northman in Lady Gaga's Paparazzi Music Video

The first time that I saw this video, I was like "Oh My God! Is that Eric? Why is he kissing Lady Gaga? Nooooo!". As it turns out, that was Eric, but they aren't dating...Apparently, Alexander Skarsgard is dating Evan Rachel Wood aka. the Queen of Louisiana. I couldn't paste Lady Gaga's music video on you'll have to check it out on YouTube. I have no idea why he is in a Lady Gaga music video, but in the video she speaks Swedish and he helped her with that. After searching online for more information on the two of them, I found this...

In an interview with Swedish magazine Aftonbladet, Lady GaGa opens up about kissing True Blood hunk Alexander Skarsgard in her latest music video for "Paparazzi."

On their kiss: "He was very good. Alexander is a very good kisser. If I would met Alexander here and now I would kiss him."
On real kisses vs. movie kisses: "Movie kisses are real kisses. I don’t know how other people do but we were kissing for real."
On their relationship: "We have met a few times and he has helped me with my Swedish, but I don’t have the time to get new friends. If I saw Alexander here, I would be really happy to kiss and hug him. But since I am so busy, we haven’t seen each other much."

Friday, September 4, 2009

The final episode of Trueblood airs on September 13! I can't wait! Somebody is going to get sacrificed and my best guess is Sam, but with the Trueblood Series, nothing is as it seems. I have many questions, especially about that egg in a nest on top of Sookie's bed. What is inside of that thing? Will it ever hatch? How did it even get there? What's going to happen to MaryAnn? I wonder if the God Who Comes will actually make an appearance. I have no idea how they are going to answer all these questions in just one final episode. I will just have to hold in all my excitement until that Sunday. Don't miss it!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It's Bill against Eric in the battle for Sookie. At the beginning of this battle, I thought Eric had the advantage. First of all, he's older and stronger than Bill. Second, he is the sheriff of Area 9, which means he has all the authority and power over Bill. Third, he is devious and smart enough to find a way to get Sookie closer to him, which he has by tricking her into drinking his blood-causing unwanted sexual attraction for him. Fourth, most beings think he's extremely good-looking. Now, the tables have turned and Bill has the advantage. Bill has received information that Eric is selling V, aka. vampire blood, to humans, through Lafayette. We haven't yet discovered Eric's motive, but I'm sure the money is part of the reason. Bill's threat to tattle-tale to the Queen might keep Eric on his toes, but his craving for Sookie can only cause him to try harder. Or try a different tactic.

Episode 23 Update

In this past episode, everything seems to be tying together. Although, not much was clarified, the whole purpose is for you to speculate about what will happen. We did learn a few things though, like how to kill MaryAnn, what the purpose of her ritual is, and what kinds of things she plans on sacrificing. We know she was after Sam, but now that she has learned that Sookie is a rare supernatural being, will she sacrifice her instead? And what will the others do to defeat MaryAnn? The Queen of Louisiana gave Bill some valuable information on the meanad, but is it truly enough to defeat her? After all, no one expected to see a gaint egg at the end of the episode. I don't recall the Queen mentioning that to Bill. What will come out of that egg? And did Eggs and Tara lay it??? I hope they explain it all in the next episode, but I have the feeling that it may end with a cliff-hanger again.